onsdag den 13. april 2016

Chapter length/book length - kind of a writing tip

Now I’m about halfway through the third book of The Hunt series, and I have come across people who’re having difficulties finding out what the proper length of a chapter is, and also a book.
First off, there’s a lot of people who’re trying to dictate what the proper length of a chapter is. So I’ll get back to this one.

The ‘proper’ book length can’t really be discussed either, as people have different preferences about what book sizes they want to read. Some wanna read 2-300 page books because they can finish them faster, others understand to indulge in a 1000 page book. – The kind we call ‘a brick novel’ in Danish ;)
 But there are some classifications based on word count in fiction. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America have specified some word length for different categories:
Novel          – over 40,000 words
Novella       – 17,500 to 40,000 words
Novelette   – 7,500 to 17,500 words
Short story – under 7,500 words

Personally The Hunt 1 is 131,201 words (equals to 432 book pages), and The Hunt 2 is 152,125 words (equals to 522 book pages).
Originally book 1 and 2 was one book. But as the first in a series I think it would come off too intimidating starting a trilogy with a book that’s almost 1000 pages. If it was me I wouldn’t start on it if I hadn’t heard any reviews or seen a movie/series based on it. And I think it’s safe to assume I’m probably not one of those people who gets my book made into a movie or series. So that’s why I have split the first book in two, and the two other books I have planned will also be split into respectively two and tree, so The Hunt is not a trilogy anymore, but a heptalogy – not to be confused with hepatology – heptalogy is simply a series of seven books.

Now back to chapter lengths. As I said some people are trying to dictate the ‘proper’ length of a chapter, but my personal opinion is that you have completely free hands. It is your story, it is your little personal messed up universe and you’re the freaking master of it. If you have a chapter that needs to be 40 pages then you just have to make sure to get some well-placed breaks with paragraphs. And if you have a chapter that only needs to be 1 page then go for it. It depends on how you’re building up your story. Personally the shortest chapter I have so far is 1 ¼ pages. But I’ve seen other books have chapters of under a page. But of course you don’t make every chapter that short. But now and then there just isn’t more to say, and that’s just the way it is. You don’t have to make it longer to please other people, or make a chapter shorter for the same reason. You’re the master, but there also have to be a balance in it, and it’s your job to find the balance in your universe you’re creating.
So toss aside all the ‘rules’ of lengths and setups and just write. Because you write because you love it, and it shouldn’t be prohibited by anything.