PS. sorry the background is white and shit, I'm not that technical and don't know how to fix it -.- perhaps you'll get a good laugh at my missing technical skills and helplessness.
So I had to research some stuff for the book that included a trip to the library along with endless searching on the internet. It took three days, but along with februaryfiction and the fact that I'd been beta reading some stuff for other authors I've gotten out of my writing flow. And in Denmark we had winter vacation last week, so I also went to see one of my best friends.
Now I'll tell you how I found my writing flow again after almost 3 weeks without seriously writing on The Hunt.
First of all you have to remember that writing is like sex. Yes you heard me. The more you write, the more you want to write. I always keeps that as a motivator.
When I have a super-good writing flow I'm contantly thinking about writing, and can even be so obsessed I count the hours until I can be in front of the laptop again. Yeah, it's that bad.
But this doesn't come by itself. You have to get into that super-good loop first.
Now it took me 3 days to find that flow and the super-good circle/loop again.
Monday I felt more like watching that series I just started on Netflix called 'The Originals' (Btw I can totally recommend that.) But with series you always think 'just one episode' and then half a season later ... you know the drill.
My writing mood was to say it the least - torpid. (though it also had something to do with the fact that I'm slightly sick - nothing serious, just a common cold)
But I knew if I put some effort into it I would eventually find that good flow again.
But I didn't pull myself together before tuesday. I edited a little and tried to write but nothing came out on monday.
So on tuesday I had wrote about a page when my neighbors came to check on me (they're so super sweet when I'm sick) They offered that I could sit in their apartment and relax, and then they would make me dinner.
One of them - Nivi is a super talented artist, so we made a little 'creative workshop' She drew - I wrote. And that helped, but I still felt the words were slightly forced.
When I feel like this I just write the plot and actions, and later I'll go back and 'fondle with the details' (This is a figure of speech in danish actually) and focus on the varied language.
Tuesday I ended up writing 5 pages (finished chapter 9 and started on chapter 10.)
Wednesday I was on it again. The words didn't feel as forced, but I still wasn't back. I decided that I would be satisfied with myself if I just finished chapter 10.
When I did that and was ready to relax the rest of the day. I saw the new released episode of the Netflix series 'Shadowhunters' (I can totally recommend that one as well along with the movie 'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones' - both the series and the movie is based on a book series. I have actually just bougth the first book in the series.)
And when I was done watching Shadowhunters I felt like I wanted to write more.
I think that was also 'provoked' by the fact that I set an easy goal I had to fulfill that day. So I wasn't in a state of mind that said I wrote too little and making myself feel bad about it.
And today I couldn't wait twith starting to write, but I took a break to share this with you. I hope this helps.
On the bottom line:
Stick to your shit. Don't give up. When you're first rolling it's gonna be much much easier than you have ever imagined.
torsdag den 25. februar 2016
Now it's day twenty-fifth of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
At first I wasn’t comfortable. I tensed up, and sent it a glaring look. It almost felt like it returned it. Walking back and forth it as I took a better look at this thing. This was both literally and figuratively speaking. When it wasn’t in my sight it was in my mind. I tried to approach this, accept it, and allow it. I just needed time to look at it from a distance. Then slowly I could get near it one step at a time. Until I stood right in front of it. I got used to the unfamiliar.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
At first I wasn’t comfortable. I tensed up, and sent it a glaring look. It almost felt like it returned it. Walking back and forth it as I took a better look at this thing. This was both literally and figuratively speaking. When it wasn’t in my sight it was in my mind. I tried to approach this, accept it, and allow it. I just needed time to look at it from a distance. Then slowly I could get near it one step at a time. Until I stood right in front of it. I got used to the unfamiliar.
onsdag den 24. februar 2016
Now it's day twenty-fourth of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
She looked into his eyes that were so familiar now. The sound of his voice, she would recognize it anywhere. His touch sparked something in her. At first she wasn’t sure what it really was. The warmth started in her chest. Slowly it spread throughout the rest of her body, and became a new power source for her being. This source would drive her till the end of time. The change was so radical, but only took a fraction of a second. Her world revolved around a new center point, and she happily accepted it. She realized she loved him.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
She looked into his eyes that were so familiar now. The sound of his voice, she would recognize it anywhere. His touch sparked something in her. At first she wasn’t sure what it really was. The warmth started in her chest. Slowly it spread throughout the rest of her body, and became a new power source for her being. This source would drive her till the end of time. The change was so radical, but only took a fraction of a second. Her world revolved around a new center point, and she happily accepted it. She realized she loved him.
mandag den 22. februar 2016
I can see I totally forgot to post februaryfiction yesterday. Porbably because I'm sick and had my focus on that interview I translated.
Anyway, here's your februaryfiction for yesterday:
Things were said. Things that could never be taken back, no matter how much he wanted to. As he had said them he knew he had hit a nerve. He could see it on her face. Things he had thought, but never thought he would say aloud. But in the moment of rage, and feeling wronged, he had desperately lashed out. She had hurt him so much he wanted her to feel what he felt, but it had a great consequence. He had closed the door and burned the bridge. She wouldn’t let him back in, she couldn’t forgive him.
Anyway, here's your februaryfiction for yesterday:
Things were said. Things that could never be taken back, no matter how much he wanted to. As he had said them he knew he had hit a nerve. He could see it on her face. Things he had thought, but never thought he would say aloud. But in the moment of rage, and feeling wronged, he had desperately lashed out. She had hurt him so much he wanted her to feel what he felt, but it had a great consequence. He had closed the door and burned the bridge. She wouldn’t let him back in, she couldn’t forgive him.
Author Interview

You can read the original interview on:
Today I’ve given the word to Anne-Sophie, who’ve written the poetry collection “Don’t try to fix me, I’m not broken”, so please welcome her and found out what kind of person she is and what she’s working on right now :D The word is yours Anne-Sophie.
What made you start writing?
I started when I was about 10-11 years old. Together with some friends we read our stories out loud to each other in the stable at the riding school we were attending. The stories were of course about horses. I can’t remember exactly how it started, but a lot of hours went by with it. It was like a game. Like when we played with horse figures, and made up one horse after another’s identity.
I wrote my poetry collection when I went through a very difficult period in my life where I had a lot of pent-up emotions, and needed to get them out in some way.
Since then the writing was on a hold until first in 2015 where I got an idea and jumped to keys, and I’m still there.
How did you get the idea for your book?
The idea for ‘The Hunt’, which I’m writing right now, actually happened pretty spontaneously after a few years of pause in my writing. I had started to explore the term ‘fanfiction’, and with the active subconscious I have, it started to create an idea, that became a scene that became persons, and then it just went on from there.
The ideas to the stories I wrote as a child were more like fantasies about how it would be like if I had my own pony.
How’s it like to get your book published?
When I got my poetry collection published I felt like I had overcome something exceptional. As I said it was written when I was going through a very difficult time and this book was proof that I had overcome it.
Which book(s) have you written?
The poetry collection ‘Don’t try to fix m, I’m not broken’
Right now I’m working on a fantasy series called ‘The Hunt’, I plan on getting it published when it’s finished. In January 2016 I finished the first book in the series.
Do you have plans on writing another book?
Yes, right now I’m working on book 2 in the fantasy series ‘The Hunt’, I expect it to end with three books. When I’m done with that I already have the next idea ready where I’ve already made cast of characters, the beginning, course of events and have notes ready. After that I have two more ideas, but I don’t know which one I’ll choose.
How do you preserve the inspiration to write?
I get inspiration from a lot of things, from everything in my surroundings actually. Music, book, movies, people. With my active sub consciousness I don’t need to ‘look’ for inspiration, mostly it comes to me. Mostly like a strike of lightning when I least expect it, and have to hastily find pen and paper or write it down on my phone. It’s efficient, but can be inconvenient. So if we’re talking and I suddenly blankly stare straight ahead it’s mostly my sub consciousness that have ambushed me.
Sometimes it comes to me as whole scenes, other times only as an idea or a fraction of an idea which I have to get a hold on.
Do you expect that you can make a living out of writing books one day?
Not really. Statistically speaking it probably won’t happen. And even if it did I wouldn’t know whatto do, so I would probably just continue my everyday life.
What is your book about?
My fantasy series ‘The Hunt’ is about two vampire hunters, Val and Jake. They’ve hunted vampires together for six years along with Jake’s dad Bill. Bill died a horrible death five weeks before we begin to follow Val and Jake’s story. Besides killing all the vampires they can find, they are especially on the hunt for Sinanima. A vampire that killed Val’s mom ten years ago, and tried to kill Jake eighteen years ago. Val and now are now 27 and 28 years, accordingly, and after Bills death they realize that they need each other more than ever. And in their need for each other they engage in a turbulent relationship, which is complicated by Jake’s anger and grief for the loss of his dad, and their desperate attempt to make things work, and find Sinanima. Along with finding a way out of their abusive relationship.
Who are you?
My name’s Anne-Sophie, just Fie for short. I’m 25 years old, I live in an apartment in Hjortshøj, close to Aarhus along with my cat Bisser, who’s 7 years old. I was taking an education involving horses, but had to stop when I was involved in an accident with a horse, that gave me permanent injuries. I’m currently attending cognitive rehabilitation, and hope to improve so much I can take an education with reduced hours.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing books?
That’s actually what most of my spare time goes with. But in the weekends I take a writing break and relax with my boyfriend. I read a lot of books, watch some movies and series, and spend some time with family and friends. It’s healthy enough to get away from the screen once in a while, even though I sometimes would rather spend every waking minute writing. Sometimes I also play keyboard or draw.
Who do you look up to?
No one in particular, but persons who’s in balance with themselves, love themselves and tries to be a better person than they were yesterday. So perhaps I look a little up to myself as well, but I have some expectations to myself to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Now it may sound smug, but I think it’s rather modest.
Which book is the best you’ve read?
I won’t say I have a favorite book, because I don’t. I think I’ve read a lot of good books. I think they’re best when they can take me to another universe where the characters becomes my friends, and I laugh and cry with them. The definition of a good book is when I look at the clock and see it’s 10 p.m., and think to myself that I’ll just read this chapter and then the next time I take a look at the clock it’s 2 in the morning. That’s my definition of a good book.
Who’s your favorite author?
Again, I don’t have a favorite author, but can he/she do the above in a book then I’m glad they took the time and effort to write such a lovely book I unfortunately finished in under a week. That’s why I often read good book several times, though also because of my memory difficulties after my accident. But a good book can’t be read too many times.
In which genre do you write?
‘The Hunt’ and my future projects are all in the adult fantasy genre.
I thank Anne-Sophie, whom we’ve got to know better. Are you interested in her poetry collection, I’m sorry to inform that it can’t be bought anywhere as it is right now, but I’ll update if I learn that it’s for sale again. :D
If you wanna follow her, then her website is and her Facebook is
søndag den 21. februar 2016
I'm not in the mood to write - writing tip
Well, boo-ho sunshine. Get your ass in that chair, and those fingers on the
keyboard and TYPE! If we all waited until we were ‘in the mood’ for writing
then it would take 10 years, or an eternity to finish a book. You don’t go ‘I’m
not in the mood for…’:
- Making dinner
- Go to work
- Go to a family event
- Cleaning
- Netflix and chill
- *Insert hobby or shit that’s relevant to you here*
But those things needs to be done. If you’re serious with your writing, even if it’s just a hobby, you need to put the name in the game. We can all sit with a fancy glass of wine, and a cigarette dangling from the corner of our mouth with the line ‘Creativity can’t be rushed. I’m not in the mood.’ In fact, yes it can. Simply write, and don’t care if it’s shit. Because you can always edit it. It’s not like you’re writing with your own blood on ancient papyrus. You have a laptop/computer (most of us do anyway) and it’s so goddamned easy to edit. Write like your life depends on it. We all have good days and bad days. On the good days we can perhaps use 90% of what we created that day. Other days you can only use 5%, that’s how life is, but at least you got something! Or maybe it sparked an idea for a completely different scene instead ;) anyhow, it’s good practice no matter what.
The secret to finishing a book is to make time for writing, and write.
But the ultimate tip for when you’ve had a sleepless night or a too heavy hangover:
Research. Yes, mostly we all have or can find some research we need to do.
-Your characters childhood home? Pet? Friends?
- Next travel destination?
- An area of expertise you know nothing about?
The other thing you can do is simply edit. Get those comma-bitches in line, evolve your language, make it varied, stuff like that. Or simply take a day off now and then (NOW AND THEN!)
If your spine and self-discipline is equal to a shady cat, then say ‘I have to write 1 hour a day’ or something like that. I write Sunday-Thursday, Friday-Saturday is my days off. Of course this routine can be interrupted by life events, sickness, Christmas, you name it, but it’s important to get right back at your writing routine again after life happens.
Again if you’re serious with your writing you have to accept it’s not always a walk on roses. Some things you won’t be satisfied with, other times you’ll be stuck, but remember why you do it. Remember when it’s fun (and it has to be mostly fun, but there’s up and downs to everything.)
And another great motivator is to think of your poor characters there’ll have no conclusion to their story. They’ll just be stuck in an infinite black hole with no answers, and no moving back or forth. Only you can help them. Imagine their lost and confused voices, “Help us. What will become of us? Where’s our ending? Where’s our answers?” Can you hear them? Don’t they deserve it? Of course they do! So make it happen, even though you’re ‘not in the mood.’ In my opinion you’re not serious with your writing if you use that line. It takes work. Maybe some of you don’t agree, and that’s okay. That’s just my opinion. Get to the laptop/computer and do something about it.
- Making dinner
- Go to work
- Go to a family event
- Cleaning
- Netflix and chill
- *Insert hobby or shit that’s relevant to you here*
But those things needs to be done. If you’re serious with your writing, even if it’s just a hobby, you need to put the name in the game. We can all sit with a fancy glass of wine, and a cigarette dangling from the corner of our mouth with the line ‘Creativity can’t be rushed. I’m not in the mood.’ In fact, yes it can. Simply write, and don’t care if it’s shit. Because you can always edit it. It’s not like you’re writing with your own blood on ancient papyrus. You have a laptop/computer (most of us do anyway) and it’s so goddamned easy to edit. Write like your life depends on it. We all have good days and bad days. On the good days we can perhaps use 90% of what we created that day. Other days you can only use 5%, that’s how life is, but at least you got something! Or maybe it sparked an idea for a completely different scene instead ;) anyhow, it’s good practice no matter what.
The secret to finishing a book is to make time for writing, and write.
But the ultimate tip for when you’ve had a sleepless night or a too heavy hangover:
Research. Yes, mostly we all have or can find some research we need to do.
-Your characters childhood home? Pet? Friends?
- Next travel destination?
- An area of expertise you know nothing about?
The other thing you can do is simply edit. Get those comma-bitches in line, evolve your language, make it varied, stuff like that. Or simply take a day off now and then (NOW AND THEN!)
If your spine and self-discipline is equal to a shady cat, then say ‘I have to write 1 hour a day’ or something like that. I write Sunday-Thursday, Friday-Saturday is my days off. Of course this routine can be interrupted by life events, sickness, Christmas, you name it, but it’s important to get right back at your writing routine again after life happens.
Again if you’re serious with your writing you have to accept it’s not always a walk on roses. Some things you won’t be satisfied with, other times you’ll be stuck, but remember why you do it. Remember when it’s fun (and it has to be mostly fun, but there’s up and downs to everything.)
And another great motivator is to think of your poor characters there’ll have no conclusion to their story. They’ll just be stuck in an infinite black hole with no answers, and no moving back or forth. Only you can help them. Imagine their lost and confused voices, “Help us. What will become of us? Where’s our ending? Where’s our answers?” Can you hear them? Don’t they deserve it? Of course they do! So make it happen, even though you’re ‘not in the mood.’ In my opinion you’re not serious with your writing if you use that line. It takes work. Maybe some of you don’t agree, and that’s okay. That’s just my opinion. Get to the laptop/computer and do something about it.
Here's the february fiction posts I promised to post after I came home.
The rhythm underneath me was even and continuous. Three beats, pause, three beats. Smooth and level. It spread throughout my body, my muscles followed the motions and moved as one. The obstacle towered in front of us. Frightening, but alluring. We neared it. We had to match the strides to the perfect takeoff. Holding back a little, assembling the power. His hind legs sent us up into the air. Ascended to the top, it felt like we were handing timeless in the air. And then the descent towards the ground. We had just cleared the final obstacle in the ring.
I tightened my grip around the handle, but then relaxed and took the proper grip. I took the right stance with my body. My fingers wrapped around the string and drew it back to the anchor point just at the corner of my mouth. My eyes locked on the target, and aimed. With a deep breath I relaxed my fingers, my hand falling back, and my shoulders rotated. It felt like an eternity while I waited for it to reach its target though my eyes barely saw the movement through the air. The arrow flew straight into the deer’s heart.
“Please… kill me.” I begged and sank to my knees. I couldn’t do it myself. He didn’t need any excuse. The blade of the knife sank into my chest. It hurt. He withdrew it and ran. I sank to the floor. While the blood poured out of me I thought of her, and if I might see her again. And if not, it was okay too. Knowing this pain had an end was a relief. I felt cold, but it quickly went away. I will always love you. I let the darkness, the nothingness embrace me. Welcomed it and exhaled.
I pulled the jacket further up as I shuddered. My feet knew where to take me. As I did this every day. It was on purpose. There weren’t any small talk, any playing kids, or even running dogs. If I was lucky there was a cat noticing me, but nothing more than that. The peace, the quiet, it was something I needed. The everyday life demanded so much I just wanted to be left alone. But I couldn’t. They were pulling in me from every side, decisions, responsibilities. It never had an ending. That’s why I walk a lonely road.
The little creature jumped from to the floor, landed softly. You couldn’t hear it unless it was perfectly quiet. The stinging from the claws kneading through the fabric and the skin. But nothing dared to stop it. The weight shifted as the creature walked around itself. Couldn’t decide where to strike down. It thought the right spot was found, but only a second after it decided that wasn’t it, and continued its restless walking around itself. Still feeling the sharp claws, but also the soft paws. Its legs gave in. My cat finally found a comfortable position on my lap.
The rhythm underneath me was even and continuous. Three beats, pause, three beats. Smooth and level. It spread throughout my body, my muscles followed the motions and moved as one. The obstacle towered in front of us. Frightening, but alluring. We neared it. We had to match the strides to the perfect takeoff. Holding back a little, assembling the power. His hind legs sent us up into the air. Ascended to the top, it felt like we were handing timeless in the air. And then the descent towards the ground. We had just cleared the final obstacle in the ring.
I tightened my grip around the handle, but then relaxed and took the proper grip. I took the right stance with my body. My fingers wrapped around the string and drew it back to the anchor point just at the corner of my mouth. My eyes locked on the target, and aimed. With a deep breath I relaxed my fingers, my hand falling back, and my shoulders rotated. It felt like an eternity while I waited for it to reach its target though my eyes barely saw the movement through the air. The arrow flew straight into the deer’s heart.
“Please… kill me.” I begged and sank to my knees. I couldn’t do it myself. He didn’t need any excuse. The blade of the knife sank into my chest. It hurt. He withdrew it and ran. I sank to the floor. While the blood poured out of me I thought of her, and if I might see her again. And if not, it was okay too. Knowing this pain had an end was a relief. I felt cold, but it quickly went away. I will always love you. I let the darkness, the nothingness embrace me. Welcomed it and exhaled.
I pulled the jacket further up as I shuddered. My feet knew where to take me. As I did this every day. It was on purpose. There weren’t any small talk, any playing kids, or even running dogs. If I was lucky there was a cat noticing me, but nothing more than that. The peace, the quiet, it was something I needed. The everyday life demanded so much I just wanted to be left alone. But I couldn’t. They were pulling in me from every side, decisions, responsibilities. It never had an ending. That’s why I walk a lonely road.
The little creature jumped from to the floor, landed softly. You couldn’t hear it unless it was perfectly quiet. The stinging from the claws kneading through the fabric and the skin. But nothing dared to stop it. The weight shifted as the creature walked around itself. Couldn’t decide where to strike down. It thought the right spot was found, but only a second after it decided that wasn’t it, and continued its restless walking around itself. Still feeling the sharp claws, but also the soft paws. Its legs gave in. My cat finally found a comfortable position on my lap.
tirsdag den 16. februar 2016
Februaryfiction the rest of the week
The next couple of days I won't be online so here on the blog you won't get your daily #Februaryfiction. But facebook has such a smart tool that allows you to plan future posts, so while I'm gone #Februaryfiction will still be posted daily on my facebook page:
When I'm back (probably sunday) I'll post all the #Februaryfiction here on my blog.
When I'm back (probably sunday) I'll post all the #Februaryfiction here on my blog.
Now it's day sixteen of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
Who’s she? She’s the one that holds my hand when I’m sad. Gives me a comforting pat on the shoulder when I’ve failed. Dries my eyes when I’ve cried. Make me stand tall with raised chin after all this. And then share my laughter when everything gets better. She stands on the sideline, cheering for me to finish my goals. Reaching out a hand for me to grab when I’ve slipped and lost balance. Now stands on the top with me. But the best of it all is that I do exactly the same for her. She’s my best friend.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
Who’s she? She’s the one that holds my hand when I’m sad. Gives me a comforting pat on the shoulder when I’ve failed. Dries my eyes when I’ve cried. Make me stand tall with raised chin after all this. And then share my laughter when everything gets better. She stands on the sideline, cheering for me to finish my goals. Reaching out a hand for me to grab when I’ve slipped and lost balance. Now stands on the top with me. But the best of it all is that I do exactly the same for her. She’s my best friend.
mandag den 15. februar 2016
Now it's day fifteen of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
I felt the rhythm fill my body. The prelude to the beginning. I swung my head two times to the beat I knew that came before the break in the heavy drums. Two more times and the sung really began. It infiltrated my mind and steered my body like it was a marionette doll. I sang along, but the music was too loud for anyone to hear my voice. My hips and shoulders moved with the beat, though they didn’t follow the same pattern, there was still harmony. As the final beat fell I raised my fist into the air.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
I felt the rhythm fill my body. The prelude to the beginning. I swung my head two times to the beat I knew that came before the break in the heavy drums. Two more times and the sung really began. It infiltrated my mind and steered my body like it was a marionette doll. I sang along, but the music was too loud for anyone to hear my voice. My hips and shoulders moved with the beat, though they didn’t follow the same pattern, there was still harmony. As the final beat fell I raised my fist into the air.
søndag den 14. februar 2016
Writing tip - Said is dead
You’ve probably heard it before, but I’ll say ‘said is dead to a certain extend’.
Using ‘said’ alone isn’t enough, using ‘said’ too much is also a no go. I can give you some examples, but first and foremost: be creative! Have a little fun throwing words around, set the mood, paint the expressions with words.
First off, I have a little secret list, well not so secret anymore I guess, for alternatives to ‘said’. (I’m sorry I can’t remember where I found it, but if you know where it’s from or are the genius person who made it, please contact me so I can credit.) I’ve also added a few words myself to the list.
As a question:
As an answer:
Full of worry:
And now how to use said.
Here’s 10 examples from ‘The Hunt’. (Copyright, please do not use these exact phrases, they’re meant as an example and help. Be creative, use your own words, and gestures fitting your character.)
- He said quietly, but not less harsh after a few minutes.
- I finally said, nodding, but I couldn't hold a frown back from my face.
- She said stubbornly and crossed her arms in front of her, making her look like a stubborn child, but she was right.
- Jake said to the receptionist, a chubby lady dressed in a too flowery yellow dress, and with curly blond hair that needed a coloring very badly.
- He said it in a caring voice, his fingers laid under my chin, his thumb stroking beneath my lower lip.
- I said in the least hostile tone I could, but it still sounded off.
- She said, and kicked off her boots.
- He said, grabbed my ass and lifted me up with my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck.
- He said superiorly with a raised eyebrow while he lightly shook his head.
- I said automatically.
We got gestures, facial expression, tone of voice used, actions or surroundings. (Actions and/or surroundings can also give a clue to how it’s said.)
Sometimes you just can’t find a replacement for ‘said’, but when you finally use it, avoid making it boring. Of course if you have a character that doesn’t pays attention to details you can now and then just use ‘he/she said.’ Especially when the scenery/words gives a clue to how it’s actually said.
The truth of writing
50% Editing
6% Drinking coffee
7% Tapping restlessly on the keyboard waiting for ideas
12% Research
10% Character development/evolving
15% Actual writing
6% Drinking coffee
7% Tapping restlessly on the keyboard waiting for ideas
12% Research
10% Character development/evolving
15% Actual writing
#Februaryfiction x 2
Just as last weekend I wasn't at my computer, so now you'll get 2 february fiction again.
Also check out my facebook page:
This was too good to be true. My eyes locked on my prey. My muscles were tense, ready to leap me into the air. My eyes focused and I didn’t blink. For a moment it looked like it would go airborne, but it changed its mind. My muscles twitched, but my quick reflexed stopped them from setting off the ground. In an instant the prey flew through the air. My paws sent my body off and I ran as fast as I could until the perfect moment where I jumped into the air. I caught the ball my human threw.
Deciding to clean the attic, I climb up the stairs and choose a corner to begin with. Minute after minute sped by as I estimate every little objects future. Trash. Give it away. Or keep it. My hands close around an object that’s heavy and elongate. The memories flush through my mind and I involuntary let go of it. The candlestick lands with a thud on the wooden floor. You little bitch, I’ll beat the shit out of you too. He had yelled loudly, and in defense I had grabbed the candlestick and swung it as hard as I could.
Just as last weekend I wasn't at my computer, so now you'll get 2 february fiction again.
Also check out my facebook page:
This was too good to be true. My eyes locked on my prey. My muscles were tense, ready to leap me into the air. My eyes focused and I didn’t blink. For a moment it looked like it would go airborne, but it changed its mind. My muscles twitched, but my quick reflexed stopped them from setting off the ground. In an instant the prey flew through the air. My paws sent my body off and I ran as fast as I could until the perfect moment where I jumped into the air. I caught the ball my human threw.
Deciding to clean the attic, I climb up the stairs and choose a corner to begin with. Minute after minute sped by as I estimate every little objects future. Trash. Give it away. Or keep it. My hands close around an object that’s heavy and elongate. The memories flush through my mind and I involuntary let go of it. The candlestick lands with a thud on the wooden floor. You little bitch, I’ll beat the shit out of you too. He had yelled loudly, and in defense I had grabbed the candlestick and swung it as hard as I could.
fredag den 12. februar 2016
Now it's day twelve of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
She closed her eyes and tried not to think about anything else than the darkness. She let it infiltrate her thoughts, making no room for anything else. She let out a deep sigh as she was growing impatient. But she knew it wouldn’t help, on the contrary it would only prolong it. She turned to her stomach in hopes that it would help. Slowly a floating feeling creeped in on her. It was like being in water while a gentle stream enveloped her in its quiet sloshing. It faded as the blackness took over, and dominated. She finally fell asleep.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
She closed her eyes and tried not to think about anything else than the darkness. She let it infiltrate her thoughts, making no room for anything else. She let out a deep sigh as she was growing impatient. But she knew it wouldn’t help, on the contrary it would only prolong it. She turned to her stomach in hopes that it would help. Slowly a floating feeling creeped in on her. It was like being in water while a gentle stream enveloped her in its quiet sloshing. It faded as the blackness took over, and dominated. She finally fell asleep.
torsdag den 11. februar 2016
Excerpt From The Hunt 1
I've now published an excerpt from the first book of The Hunt series. Read the whole excerpt under 'Excerpt from The Hunt 1'
Also check out my Facebook page:
When I got in the car the look of him just fueled my anger, and I welcomed it.
“You ready?”
“You’re a fucking jackass!” I yelled and pushed him. Though I barely moved him, but it helped, it let out some of my frustration.
He looked perplexed by my sudden outburst, “What did I do?” He sounded truly confused, not even the anger was to trace in his voice, because I had caught him off guard like that.
“This!” I pointed at my cheekbone and uttered a frustrated sound before I crossed my arms, in enmity this time, and not because I was trying to make myself smaller, and looked out the window and ignored him.
Also check out my Facebook page:
When I got in the car the look of him just fueled my anger, and I welcomed it.
“You ready?”
“You’re a fucking jackass!” I yelled and pushed him. Though I barely moved him, but it helped, it let out some of my frustration.
He looked perplexed by my sudden outburst, “What did I do?” He sounded truly confused, not even the anger was to trace in his voice, because I had caught him off guard like that.
“This!” I pointed at my cheekbone and uttered a frustrated sound before I crossed my arms, in enmity this time, and not because I was trying to make myself smaller, and looked out the window and ignored him.
Now it's day eleven of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
Enjoy!My body’s feeling drowsy. My thoughts are still fuzzy. I can’t comprehend much as it feels like everything’s moving too fast. I know how to make this go away. I pour the substance into the cup and fill my lungs with the welcoming smell of it. I know it so well. Slowly to enjoy the full effect as it spreads in my veins, I consume this liquid. And I revel in the familiar feeling. The drowsiness leaves my body, my thoughts becomes sharp and clear. I’m ready to take on this day. The first cup of coffee in the morning.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
Enjoy!My body’s feeling drowsy. My thoughts are still fuzzy. I can’t comprehend much as it feels like everything’s moving too fast. I know how to make this go away. I pour the substance into the cup and fill my lungs with the welcoming smell of it. I know it so well. Slowly to enjoy the full effect as it spreads in my veins, I consume this liquid. And I revel in the familiar feeling. The drowsiness leaves my body, my thoughts becomes sharp and clear. I’m ready to take on this day. The first cup of coffee in the morning.
onsdag den 10. februar 2016
Now it's day ten of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
My greenish eyes gazed into hers, pale blue as a clear winter day. The shorter the distance between us, the more my eyes heeled towards her lips. The lower a couple of shades redder because of all the times she’d dug in her teeth to hide her shyness. That thought made a dimple come forward on my cheek. The coolness around us made her breath show in the air, but I didn’t need it. She was so close I could feel her breath on my skin. I closed the distance between us and met her lips. The perfect first kiss.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
My greenish eyes gazed into hers, pale blue as a clear winter day. The shorter the distance between us, the more my eyes heeled towards her lips. The lower a couple of shades redder because of all the times she’d dug in her teeth to hide her shyness. That thought made a dimple come forward on my cheek. The coolness around us made her breath show in the air, but I didn’t need it. She was so close I could feel her breath on my skin. I closed the distance between us and met her lips. The perfect first kiss.
tirsdag den 9. februar 2016
Now it's day nine of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
She laid there day and night. The days yellow sun warmed through her. The night’s blackness and white moon cooled her completely. Sometimes they would stop to admire her, or she disappeared in the crowd. She could be lucky the sun caught her golden tinge, but mostly she was just one out of many. A force could bring her down in forever darkness, but in the end she always surfaced until something new forged her destiny. She felt she was drifting away in periods of her life, but she always came back home. But I am just a lonely stone.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'. Also check out my facebook:
She laid there day and night. The days yellow sun warmed through her. The night’s blackness and white moon cooled her completely. Sometimes they would stop to admire her, or she disappeared in the crowd. She could be lucky the sun caught her golden tinge, but mostly she was just one out of many. A force could bring her down in forever darkness, but in the end she always surfaced until something new forged her destiny. She felt she was drifting away in periods of her life, but she always came back home. But I am just a lonely stone.
mandag den 8. februar 2016
Now it's day eight of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'.Also check out my facebook:
I feel it run down my body like warm velvet. Caressing my skin. A hand running softly and smoothly over my curves in circles. Now both hands. Delicious circles that touched every inch of me. The hands following a path from my shoulders, to my neck and ending in my hair. Now the contact’s rougher. Running through my hair in long strokes, sometimes grabbing a fistful, and messing it up real good. The hands left my hair and returned down my body until they disappeared along with the warm velvet, and I stepped out. I was just in the shower.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'.Also check out my facebook:
I feel it run down my body like warm velvet. Caressing my skin. A hand running softly and smoothly over my curves in circles. Now both hands. Delicious circles that touched every inch of me. The hands following a path from my shoulders, to my neck and ending in my hair. Now the contact’s rougher. Running through my hair in long strokes, sometimes grabbing a fistful, and messing it up real good. The hands left my hair and returned down my body until they disappeared along with the warm velvet, and I stepped out. I was just in the shower.
søndag den 7. februar 2016
The art of a varied language (writing tip)
Yes, believe it or not I actually have a document on my laptop named exactly that. English isn’t my mother tongue, Danish is. So of course I have a small obstacle that English-speaking people doesn’t have. But I think I weigh up for it in different ways. I know a lot of people whose first language isn’t English, but still write in English. Simply because English is more varied than Danish. Most of the times English have 10 synonyms for a word where Danish only have two. Or they have more, but then some of them aren’t really words you’d use in the 21st century. Anyway many Danish people feel it easier to express themselves passionately in English.
Anyway back to the point. Back in school I only had English for 5 years. That ain’t a lot. (5th-10th grade) now a days they start having English in 1st grade in the Danish schools. But luckily a lot of movies and series is in English, and the only way to get better at a language is to use it. Hear it, write it, talk it. Though I don’t talk it much, so I have this godawful Danish accent. And to be honest a Danish accent in English is the worst and least charming thing I’ve ever heard.
Over the years I’ve played some online games, been active in forums, and when I started to collect Evanescence (American gothic rock something band) I made a lot of international friendships, and that strengthen my English day by day.
My point was, that if English isn’t your native language and want it improved you could do some of those things I do.
- Watch movies and series without subtitles, or with English subtitles.
- Read English books.
What I do when I read English book is of course look up the words I’m just a tiny bit unsure of.
Second – I write down all the words that I don’t normally use in my daily English writing/speaking, and put them in my secret document (that is not so super-secret anymore, but the contents is still though.) and look at it daily simply to extend my vocabulary and get these words into my head so I use them. I suggest you all make your personal ‘The art of a varied language’, even English-speaking people could benefit from this.
- Interact with people from other countries. It can be a challenge to understand someone who doesn’t speak/write English properly, and it gives good experience. I at least found it a gainful experience to get a meaning out of sentences that aren’t spelled right (where, were, we’re. Then, than, there, they’re, etc.) And have wrong word order too.
- Use it! Use English in everyday conversations, make small quests for yourself like describing different things including the tiniest details. (Sunsets, the view from your window, your moms face, your pet, your hand, etc. be creative. So you ‘exercise’ different parts of your language.
-! It’s important that you don’t use the same words too often.
E.g. I quickly put on makeup, quickly got dressed, and quickly went out the door.
See that’s just freaking annoying. And if your brain feels inelastic with synonyms then Thesaurus is a great kick starter.
A quick (ha ha) look at thesaurus, and I was able to transform the example sentence into this:
I swiftly put on makeup, hastily threw on some clothes, and hurried out the door.
It doesn’t have to be more complicated than you make it. But if you feel like it’s interrupting your writing flow, then just write and don’t give a shit weather you’re using ‘quickly’ 17 times on a page or not. Write, write, write, and when you go back to edit you can find synonyms, and maybe rewrite some parts so you get that much-repeated word off your pages.
#Februaryfiction x2
This is februaryfiction for both saturday and sunday as I wasn't at home, but they have been posted on my facebook as well:
Facebook have such a lovely feature called 'planned posts', where blogger doesn't (or I haven't found it yet) so I apologize you'll have to wait, but you can follow me on Facebook where februaryfiction will be posted daily throughout february ;)
The moisture from the grass had seeped through. It was too early, the morning dew hadn’t ascended from the surface yet. Still I was impatient, but now I feel the consequences, and wish I had waited just an hour. I could feel the warmth, but it didn’t have enough power to penetrate this. Yet. As I waited I felt how it increased. Slowly, but steadily. There was no preventing it. It arose on it destined path, it was a law of nature. Its warmth travelled through me, vaporizing the moisture from the blanket. Lying in the sun a summer morning.
I see their path, and do my best to set them on it. At first I don’t know them, but through their actions and the obstacles I’m challenging them with I see the true nature of them. They navigate as good as they can through these circumstances, but it has to come to an end. They have to find their way. I can only help them to a certain extent, the rest they have to figure out on their own. I bring the light for other people to see, to understand and to learn their life. I’m writing a story.
Facebook have such a lovely feature called 'planned posts', where blogger doesn't (or I haven't found it yet) so I apologize you'll have to wait, but you can follow me on Facebook where februaryfiction will be posted daily throughout february ;)
The moisture from the grass had seeped through. It was too early, the morning dew hadn’t ascended from the surface yet. Still I was impatient, but now I feel the consequences, and wish I had waited just an hour. I could feel the warmth, but it didn’t have enough power to penetrate this. Yet. As I waited I felt how it increased. Slowly, but steadily. There was no preventing it. It arose on it destined path, it was a law of nature. Its warmth travelled through me, vaporizing the moisture from the blanket. Lying in the sun a summer morning.
I see their path, and do my best to set them on it. At first I don’t know them, but through their actions and the obstacles I’m challenging them with I see the true nature of them. They navigate as good as they can through these circumstances, but it has to come to an end. They have to find their way. I can only help them to a certain extent, the rest they have to figure out on their own. I bring the light for other people to see, to understand and to learn their life. I’m writing a story.
fredag den 5. februar 2016
Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, but I was busy with a trip to the library for research among others.
To make up for it you'll get two pieces of februrary fiction today.And an extra surprise: one of them is a sneak peek from the first book of The Hunt ;)
I was drawn to it. I couldn’t resist it anymore. I opened the gate and instantly felt a pull in my body. It dragged me into it. Dragged me into a world that wasn’t my own. With creatures I haven’t seen before. Even the colors seemed to be different here. The people populating this were first strangers to me, but now they’re more familiar. No, they’re friends now. I laugh with them, I cry with them. Hoping that this adventure in another universe so far from my own would never end, but everything comes to an end. Even a book.
Sneak peek from The Hunt:
I lifted my head and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He met me halfway and inhaled heavily. I felt his lips get more insisting. His right hand laid on my cheek and his fingers clutched around my neck under my ear. I felt him grab the sheets with his left hand. He had scooted down to lie and rest his head on my chest, now he moved back up, leaving his hips against mine, and I could lie my head back on the pillow as his face was a little above in line with mine.
To make up for it you'll get two pieces of februrary fiction today.And an extra surprise: one of them is a sneak peek from the first book of The Hunt ;)
I was drawn to it. I couldn’t resist it anymore. I opened the gate and instantly felt a pull in my body. It dragged me into it. Dragged me into a world that wasn’t my own. With creatures I haven’t seen before. Even the colors seemed to be different here. The people populating this were first strangers to me, but now they’re more familiar. No, they’re friends now. I laugh with them, I cry with them. Hoping that this adventure in another universe so far from my own would never end, but everything comes to an end. Even a book.
Sneak peek from The Hunt:
I lifted my head and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He met me halfway and inhaled heavily. I felt his lips get more insisting. His right hand laid on my cheek and his fingers clutched around my neck under my ear. I felt him grab the sheets with his left hand. He had scooted down to lie and rest his head on my chest, now he moved back up, leaving his hips against mine, and I could lie my head back on the pillow as his face was a little above in line with mine.
onsdag den 3. februar 2016
Now it's day three of #FebruaryFiction
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'.
A fraction of something caught my attention. It was just a glimpse. I tried to hold on to it, but it disappeared like sand through my fingers. I didn’t have a chance. My entire focus was aimed at this now. Tried with the power of the will to bring it forward again. Another glimpse, a feeling I felt that didn’t match my surroundings, then a color flash I couldn’t make out. As I fought to piece these things together it slowly took form. I started to see a pattern. Then it appeared to me. It was inspiration calling my name.
Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')Remember I collected all my february fiction in a tab for themselves called 'FebruaryFiction/Micro fiction'.
A fraction of something caught my attention. It was just a glimpse. I tried to hold on to it, but it disappeared like sand through my fingers. I didn’t have a chance. My entire focus was aimed at this now. Tried with the power of the will to bring it forward again. Another glimpse, a feeling I felt that didn’t match my surroundings, then a color flash I couldn’t make out. As I fought to piece these things together it slowly took form. I started to see a pattern. Then it appeared to me. It was inspiration calling my name.
mandag den 1. februar 2016
As you know FebruaryFiction have started. Read more about it on my posts from February 1st, and January 20th (titles 'February Fiction' and 'I've given myself a challenge - and you an opportunity to read some of my work.')
A smell hit my nostrils. I lifted my head, parted my lips in an attempt to recognize it. My amber eyes raked the forest floor, trying to pick up even the smallest movement, locked on a few straws of grass that moved out of rhythm with the wind. I readied my weapons as I sneaked closer another step. I had her in my sight. My muscles tensed. Unknowingly she came closer. My legs leaped my body forward through the air, and before she could whine I had captured her. I unhurriedly trotted back to my humans with my delicious mouse-steak.
A smell hit my nostrils. I lifted my head, parted my lips in an attempt to recognize it. My amber eyes raked the forest floor, trying to pick up even the smallest movement, locked on a few straws of grass that moved out of rhythm with the wind. I readied my weapons as I sneaked closer another step. I had her in my sight. My muscles tensed. Unknowingly she came closer. My legs leaped my body forward through the air, and before she could whine I had captured her. I unhurriedly trotted back to my humans with my delicious mouse-steak.
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