søndag den 7. februar 2016

#Februaryfiction x2

This is februaryfiction for both saturday and sunday as I wasn't at home, but they have been posted on my facebook as well: https://www.facebook.com/aurorafleurauthor/
Facebook have such a lovely feature called 'planned posts', where blogger doesn't (or I haven't found it yet) so I apologize you'll have to wait, but you can follow me on Facebook where februaryfiction will be posted daily throughout february ;)

The moisture from the grass had seeped through. It was too early, the morning dew hadn’t ascended from the surface yet. Still I was impatient, but now I feel the consequences, and wish I had waited just an hour. I could feel the warmth, but it didn’t have enough power to penetrate this. Yet. As I waited I felt how it increased. Slowly, but steadily. There was no preventing it. It arose on it destined path, it was a law of nature. Its warmth travelled through me, vaporizing the moisture from the blanket. Lying in the sun a summer morning.

I see their path, and do my best to set them on it. At first I don’t know them, but through their actions and the obstacles I’m challenging them with I see the true nature of them. They navigate as good as they can through these circumstances, but it has to come to an end. They have to find their way. I can only help them to a certain extent, the rest they have to figure out on their own. I bring the light for other people to see, to understand and to learn their life. I’m writing a story.


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