You can read the original interview on: https://pipalukbooks.wordpress.com/2016/02/20/nye-forfattere-7-anne-sophie-finmann/
Today I’ve given the word to Anne-Sophie, who’ve written the poetry collection “Don’t try to fix me, I’m not broken”, so please welcome her and found out what kind of person she is and what she’s working on right now :D The word is yours Anne-Sophie.
What made you start writing?
I started when I was about 10-11 years old. Together with some friends we read our stories out loud to each other in the stable at the riding school we were attending. The stories were of course about horses. I can’t remember exactly how it started, but a lot of hours went by with it. It was like a game. Like when we played with horse figures, and made up one horse after another’s identity.
I wrote my poetry collection when I went through a very difficult period in my life where I had a lot of pent-up emotions, and needed to get them out in some way.
Since then the writing was on a hold until first in 2015 where I got an idea and jumped to keys, and I’m still there.
How did you get the idea for your book?
The idea for ‘The Hunt’, which I’m writing right now, actually happened pretty spontaneously after a few years of pause in my writing. I had started to explore the term ‘fanfiction’, and with the active subconscious I have, it started to create an idea, that became a scene that became persons, and then it just went on from there.
The ideas to the stories I wrote as a child were more like fantasies about how it would be like if I had my own pony.
How’s it like to get your book published?
When I got my poetry collection published I felt like I had overcome something exceptional. As I said it was written when I was going through a very difficult time and this book was proof that I had overcome it.
Which book(s) have you written?
The poetry collection ‘Don’t try to fix m, I’m not broken’
Right now I’m working on a fantasy series called ‘The Hunt’, I plan on getting it published when it’s finished. In January 2016 I finished the first book in the series.
Do you have plans on writing another book?
Yes, right now I’m working on book 2 in the fantasy series ‘The Hunt’, I expect it to end with three books. When I’m done with that I already have the next idea ready where I’ve already made cast of characters, the beginning, course of events and have notes ready. After that I have two more ideas, but I don’t know which one I’ll choose.
How do you preserve the inspiration to write?
I get inspiration from a lot of things, from everything in my surroundings actually. Music, book, movies, people. With my active sub consciousness I don’t need to ‘look’ for inspiration, mostly it comes to me. Mostly like a strike of lightning when I least expect it, and have to hastily find pen and paper or write it down on my phone. It’s efficient, but can be inconvenient. So if we’re talking and I suddenly blankly stare straight ahead it’s mostly my sub consciousness that have ambushed me.
Sometimes it comes to me as whole scenes, other times only as an idea or a fraction of an idea which I have to get a hold on.
Do you expect that you can make a living out of writing books one day?
Not really. Statistically speaking it probably won’t happen. And even if it did I wouldn’t know whatto do, so I would probably just continue my everyday life.
What is your book about?
My fantasy series ‘The Hunt’ is about two vampire hunters, Val and Jake. They’ve hunted vampires together for six years along with Jake’s dad Bill. Bill died a horrible death five weeks before we begin to follow Val and Jake’s story. Besides killing all the vampires they can find, they are especially on the hunt for Sinanima. A vampire that killed Val’s mom ten years ago, and tried to kill Jake eighteen years ago. Val and now are now 27 and 28 years, accordingly, and after Bills death they realize that they need each other more than ever. And in their need for each other they engage in a turbulent relationship, which is complicated by Jake’s anger and grief for the loss of his dad, and their desperate attempt to make things work, and find Sinanima. Along with finding a way out of their abusive relationship.
Who are you?
My name’s Anne-Sophie, just Fie for short. I’m 25 years old, I live in an apartment in Hjortshøj, close to Aarhus along with my cat Bisser, who’s 7 years old. I was taking an education involving horses, but had to stop when I was involved in an accident with a horse, that gave me permanent injuries. I’m currently attending cognitive rehabilitation, and hope to improve so much I can take an education with reduced hours.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing books?
That’s actually what most of my spare time goes with. But in the weekends I take a writing break and relax with my boyfriend. I read a lot of books, watch some movies and series, and spend some time with family and friends. It’s healthy enough to get away from the screen once in a while, even though I sometimes would rather spend every waking minute writing. Sometimes I also play keyboard or draw.
Who do you look up to?
No one in particular, but persons who’s in balance with themselves, love themselves and tries to be a better person than they were yesterday. So perhaps I look a little up to myself as well, but I have some expectations to myself to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. Now it may sound smug, but I think it’s rather modest.
Which book is the best you’ve read?
I won’t say I have a favorite book, because I don’t. I think I’ve read a lot of good books. I think they’re best when they can take me to another universe where the characters becomes my friends, and I laugh and cry with them. The definition of a good book is when I look at the clock and see it’s 10 p.m., and think to myself that I’ll just read this chapter and then the next time I take a look at the clock it’s 2 in the morning. That’s my definition of a good book.
Who’s your favorite author?
Again, I don’t have a favorite author, but can he/she do the above in a book then I’m glad they took the time and effort to write such a lovely book I unfortunately finished in under a week. That’s why I often read good book several times, though also because of my memory difficulties after my accident. But a good book can’t be read too many times.
In which genre do you write?
‘The Hunt’ and my future projects are all in the adult fantasy genre.
I thank Anne-Sophie, whom we’ve got to know better. Are you interested in her poetry collection, I’m sorry to inform that it can’t be bought anywhere as it is right now, but I’ll update if I learn that it’s for sale again. :D
If you wanna follow her, then her website is http://aurorafleurauthor.blogspot.dk/ and her Facebook is https://www.facebook.com/aurorafleurauthor/
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