torsdag den 10. marts 2016

Follow up on a wrting tip - The art of a varied launguage

Check the post 'The art of a varied language' - posted sunday, February 7th, 2016. As this is a follow up ;)

Short summery: The art of a varied language talks about how to expand your vocabulary (Both as a English speaker, but also for people of other nationalities that wants to write in English.)
The way I expand my vocabulary is I have a document actually named 'The art of a varied language'. And everytime I come across an English word I know I don't use in my own writing I put it in the document. And then read the document every day before I start writing. Plus I use it as a 'reference-document'.

I just wanted to simply tell you that dividing all the words in your own 'The art of a varied language' into categories. I did that, plus I made each category a heading, meaning it shows up on the navigation pane in word. (And holy freaking shit it took me a long time to figure out how I could make headings!) Which makes it so much easier to navigate around the document and find exactly what you need.
I'll also encourage you to really put some effort into your own 'The art of a varied language'. Especially if English isn't your mother tongue. Because in the end you'll be so much happier and so much better at handling the English language.
Especially Danish people have a hard time making their English varied. Because we are used to only very few synonyms for one word, where English have 3 times as many as in Danish.
- is also a good supplement to your own 'The art of a varied language' document.

Back to the point:
I'm super glad for my document. It's extensive, easy to navigate around in, and 100% customized to me.
But I also spend a considerable amount of time creating this document. And to give you a feeling of how much time effort means in this case I'll tell you how much time I spend on it:

1029 minutes.
That's equal to 17.15 hours
I know that sounds like a lot. But remember I haven't spend 17 hours straight working on this document.
Some days I have gatered 100 words I have to type into it, other days it's just a few. But bottomline if you just work a little on it every day ot every other day it'll slowly expand and be super nice as time passes.
Now I usually gather a lot of words and then type them into the document. It takes a couple of hours.
But hypothetically if I had spend some time on it each day it wouldn't be much.
Let's try and calculate it.
The document was created 11-10-2015. That's 152 days.
1029 minutes divided in 152 is equal to 6.7 minutes a day. See that's instantly more tangible ;)
(Word - my version is 2013 plus - have this super awesome function that it counts your total editing time in the document)

I hope this helped ;)

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